GMBA resources & publications
Mountain biodiversity publications
COP15 leaflet "Relevance of mountain biodiversity in the context of the Global Biodiversity Framework: Trends, indicators, and tools for science-based policy and management in mountains"
Infographics developed on the occasion of the International Mountain Day 2020 in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership
Policy brief and informaiton panel developed in collaboration with the UN Environmental Program, the Mountain Research Initiative, and Grid Arendal to raise the importance of mountain biodiveristy conservation in the post-2020 framework.
Other communication materials
Global mountain biodiversity literature
Peer-reviewed publications
Körner C, Urbach D, Paulsen J (2021). Mountain definitions and their consequences. Alpine Botany 131: 213-217.
Payne D, Spehn E.M., Prescott G.W., Geschke J., Snethlage M., Fischer M. (2020). Mountain biodiversity is central for sustainable development, in mountains and beyond. One Earth 3(5): 530-533.
Payne D., Snethlage M., Geschke J., Spehn E.M., Fischer M. (2020). Nature and people in the Andes, East African Mountains, European Alps, and Hindu Kush Himalaya: current research and future directions. Mountain Research and Development 40(2): A1-A14.
Payne D., Hoorn C., Randin C., Flantua S. (2020). Past changes in species diversity: A view from the mountains. PAGES Magazine 28(1): 18-19.
Payne D, Spehn E, Snethlage M, and Fischer M (2017). Opportunities for research on mountain biodiversity under global change. Current Opinions in Sustainability Sciences 29: 40-47.
Körner C, Jetz W, Paulsen J, Payne D, Rudmann-Maurer K, Spehn E (2017). A global inventory of mountains for bio-geographical applications. Alpine Botany 127(1): 1-15.
Paulsen J and Körner C (2014). A climate-based model to predict potential treeline position around the globe Alpine Botany 124(1): 1-12.
Körner C, Paulsen J and Spehn EM (2011). A definition of mountains and their bioclimatic belts for global comparisons of biodiversity data. Alpine Botany 121:73-78.
Peer-reviewed co-authored publications
Martin F. Price, Gregory Greenwood, Eva M. Spehn (2016) Introduction: Mountains of Our Future Earth—Perth 2015. Mountain Research and Development 36(4):403-406.
Adler et al. (2018) Observing and monitoring mountains in a changing world: new horizons for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiative, Global Network for Observations and Information on Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME). Mountain Research and Development 38(3): 265-269.
Sayre et al. (2018) ). A new high-resolution map of the mountains of the world and an online tool for visualizing and comparing three characterizations of global mountain distributions. Mountain Research and Development 38(3): 240-249.
Norstroem et al (2020) Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research. Nature Sustainability 3: 182-190.
Flantua et al (2020) Snapshot isolation and isolation history challenge the analogy between mountains and islands used to understand endemism. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(10): 1651-163.
Randin et al (2020) Monitoring biodiversity in the anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239.
Schneider F et al. (2021) Co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: a strategic compass for global research networks. Current Opinions in Environmental Sciences 49: 127-142.