Working groups

Mountain aquatic biodiversity

Photos by Jan Kronies, Ryan Stone, Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

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The overall goal of this working group is to summarize existing knowledge on and foster understanding of biodiversity in mountain aquatic ecosystems. This includes understanding current and future risks for aquatic mountain biodiversity in order to e.g. predict biodiversity losses and outline their consequences. Specific objectives include:

  • Classify mapped and inventoried mountain aquatic ecosystems with regard to their functional and morphological characteristics
  • Create an overview of existing and missing data, information, and knowledge on mountain aquatic biodiversity and its drivers
  • Identify and understand the main drivers of change and major threats to mountain aquatic biodiversity: how can detected trends in aquatic mountain biodiversity be explained
  • Share experience with and develop guidelines for long-term monitoring of aquatic biodiversity in mountains: what biodiversity variables can inform about the status and trends in mountain aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity and where/how should they be measured
  • Share experience with and develop guidelines for the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of mountain aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity
 Deliverable  Status  Lead
Article: Biodiversity in alpine waters: what makes it special, what is it facing, and what are the opportunities? Ongoing Dean Jacobsen
Working group coordinators
 Name  Affiliation  
Jordi Catalan Spanish National Research Council, Spain GMBA network
Leopold Fuereder
University of Innsbruck, Austria GMBA network
Dean Jacobsen University of Copenhagen, Denmark GMBA network
Dirk Schmeller University of Toulouse, France GMBA network
Christian Körner University of Basel, Switzerland GMBA SSC
Laszlo Nagy University of Campinas, Brazil GMBA SSC
Harald Pauli Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environment, Austria  GMBA SSC
Davnah Urbach
GMBA  GMBA office

Upcoming Event

Alpine aquatic biodiversity

IMC2022, Innsbruck (Austria), 11-15.09.2022