Global biodiversity monitoring, prediction and reporting
Coordinator: Walter Jetz and Eva Spehn
Members: B. Cardinale, S. Ferrier, P. Leadley, H. Pereira, D. Schimel, C. Trisos, G. Woodward
Period: 2014 - 2017
Status: closed
Globally integrated monitoring and assessment of biodiversity (species, populations, traits) requires interdisciplinary research and a close collaboration between observational, remote sensing, and modelling communities that are collecting and using spatio-temporally explicit biodiversity or environmental data to capture, report and predict ongoing changes, and to develop integrated knowledge products (e.g. map layers).
The working group “Global Biodiversity Monitoring, Prediction and Reporting” aimed at to:
- Facilitate and create standards and infrastructure for collaborative global spatio-temporal biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring, data harmonization and integration, prediction, reporting and visualization
- Identify (temporal, spatial and taxonomic) gaps in data collection efforts
- Document the connection between environmental and biological variation and how it affects spatio-temporal patterns and change in ecosystems, biological communities, species, populations, traits and genetic patterns
- Develope and provide integrated knowledge products (e.g. map layers, biodiversity trends) to support the various global monitoring initiatives (e.g. GEOSS, GEO BON), assessment mechanisms (e.g. IPBES, CBD, IPCC), and Future Earth projects
- Collaboratively advance Future Earth cross-cutting capabilities “Observing Systems” and “Data Systems”
- Capture, report, and predict ongoing changes of different biodiversity attributes (including functional diversity derived from ecosystem models) under global environmental change and contribute to assessing the resulting consequences for ecosystem function and service provision
This working group was a Fast-Track Initiative supported by Future Earth.
Read more about the group's activities and events on the initative's website.
Past activities: