Biodiversity and sustainable mountain development

Mountain biodiversity and human wellbeing

Preliminary results

The figures below provide a few summary statistics on the survey participants and the mountain areas assessed. They are based on the 128 surveys completed in their entirety.

Geographic coverage

The map below shows all the mountain areas for which an assessment was submitted until 01.07.2018. Click on any yellow pin to see the name of the area.

The doughnut chart below shows the percentage of responses attriutable to Europe, Asia, South and North America, Africa, and Oceania.

Background and experience

This pie chart provides an overview of the background of the respondents. The size of the pie slice increases with the number of participants assigning themselves to a given background category.*

*The options consisted of: Research – Life sciences (e.g. biology, ecology); Research – Earth sciences (e.g. geography, geology, climatology, glaciology); Research – Social sciences (e.g. economy, social sciences, anthropology); Research –  Forestry and agriculture; Research – Interdisciplinary (e.g. ecosystem services science, sustainability science); Research - Other; Practice - Development cooperation; Practice - Nature conservation; Practice - Spatial planning; Practice - Tourism; Policy and governance; Other