Project updates
News 05.01.2023

Sharing research and promoting dialogue on the contributions of biodiversity in achieving the SDGs in Nepal
On December 22nd 2022, R4D PhD student Biraj Adhikari convened a broad range of local, provincial, and national stakeholders including policymakers and local government representatives from Nepal to share with them the extensive understanding he gained during his PhD on the contributions of biodiversity in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event, conducted in Kakarbhitta, Jhapa, aimed to highlight the intricate links between nature (biodiversity and ecosystems) and human well-being, as evidenced by ground-level research in Nepal, and encourage the integration of biodiversity conservation into development interventions designed to achieve socioeconomic goals.
News 25.11.2022
Adhikari et al. (2022) in the Nepalese news
On November 25th 2022, R4D PhD student Biraj Adhikari received coverage for his recent Environmental Research Letters paper in the Himalayan Times.
Nepal must protect its biodiversity: For prosperity and well-being!
News 12.09.2022

First publication by Nepalese PhD student Biraj Adhikari
On September 22nd 2022, R4D PhD student Biraj Adhikari published the first chapter of his PhD thesis in Environmental Research Letters. In his paper entitled "Nature’s contributions to people and the Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal", he presents the outcome of a systematic synthesis of the literature on the state of research on NCPs, trends in NCPs and their drivers, and the contribution of NCPs towards achieving the SDGs in Nepal.
News 17.12.2021

International Congress for Conservation Biology - GMBA session on Conserving mountain biodiversity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
On December 17th 2021, R4D Post-Doc Graham Prescott led a session on "Conserving Mountain Biodiversity to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals" at the 30th International Congress for Conservation Biology, where the work of the three R4D PhD student Biraj Adhikari (Nepal), Adili Bugingo (Tanzania), and Karina Mariaca (Bolivia) was presented.
News 18.04.20120

Project movie availabe in Spanish
Our first project movie is now also available in Spanish. This work by high-school student Linus Neulinger presents the background of the project and its objectives and methods. Most of the footage was done during the project inception workshop in Bolivia, March 2019.
News 10.09.2019

Project movie online
Our first project movie is online. This work by high-school student Linus Neulinger presents the background of the project and its objectives and methods. Most of the footage was done during the project inception workshop in Bolivia, March 2019.
News 15.04.2019
New post-doc appointed
On April 15th Graham Prescott joined us as a post-doc on the project. Graham joined us after a post-doc at the National University of Singapore and a PhD on “Effects of land-use change, landscape configuration, and management practice on biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes” at the University of Cambridge. We welcome Graham and are looking forward to working with him. Graham will have the scientific lead on this project.
News 20.03.2019

Project kick-off workshop, Samaipata (Bolivia)
The proejct was officially started with a workshop hosted by the Bolivian team in Samaipata, Bolivia. Partners from Bolivia, Tanzania, and Switzerland met and discussed study designs, research questions, and challenges. Yet, and more importantly, they shared their excitment, enthusiasm, and commitment to this four year project. On the picture, from left to right: Graham Prescott (post-doc, Switzerland), Adili Bugingo (PhD, Tanzania), Halima Kilungu (senior scientist, Tanzania), Davnah Payne (project coordinator, Switzerland), Markus Fischer (principal investigator, Switzerland), Freddy Delgado (principal investigator, Bolivia), Pantaleo Munishi (principal investigator, Tanzania), Mark Snethlage (senior scientist, Switzerland), Karina Mariaca de Oliveira (PhD, Bolivia), Carlos Alberto Silvestre (senior scientist, Bolivia), Linus Neulinger (high-school student, videomaker). Missing are Mayra Delgado (project coordinator, Bolivia), Nakul Chettri (principal investigator, Nepal) & nepalese team.
News 12.12.2018
Post-doc position in Mountain biodiversity and the SDGs, University of Bern
We are recruiting a post-doc for our project! The position is at the interface between natural and social sciences and includes but is not limited to supervising PhD students, collecting and analyzing data, and coordinating activities within the consortium. Deadline: 14.01.2019.
GMBA Post-Doc (PDF, 126KB)