Network initiatives
The GMBA project office supports temporary initiatives led by individual network member or by groups of members. These initiatives include:
- surveys
- white papers and opinion pieces
- policy briefs or infographics
Current initiative
Survey - Biodiversity data collection, access, sharing and usage in African mountains: challenges and priorities

Data and knowledge about the current status of and long-term trends in African mountain species is largely insufficient for informing policy and guiding management. This survey is part of an effort to (i) identify the challenges with data collection, access, sharing, and usage in African mountains, (ii) assess their severity across various respondent groups and geographic locations, and (iii) evaluate possible solutions for addressing them. The results will help identify short to long-term actions and clarify responsibilities in addressing critical technical, financial, capacity, institutional, and communication gaps. This survey builds on inputs gathered by the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment in March 2022 at the first Southern African Mountain Conference and on a process of horizon scanning.
Request a code to access the survey!