Network members

The size of the circles is proportional to the number of members per country. Mountains are shown in grey (Status April 2024).


To become a GMBA member, please fill in the online form. To find a GMBA member, please query our online database. 

Individual membership in GMBA is voluntary, open, free, and no one is excluded. Members receive the quarterly e-newsletter and occasional email announcements. As a member of the GMBA network you may choose to provide information with the option that it remains hidden. Alternatively, you can build a public profile with the option to make it searchable online (note that your email address remains hidden). Members are responsible for updating their profiles regularly.

During the registration, you can opt to be a member of one or more regional hub(s) or only of the global network. Regional hub members are automatically members of the global network but they also receive targeted information when opportunities arise to engage at regional scale. Global newsletters are sent out four times a year. It is possible to opt out of receiving the newsletter or of being a member at any time.


As of January 2024, the GMBA network consists of approximately 1400 experts from more than 90 countries and 800 institutions. Of all these members, one third are women and we are working towards a balanced gender ratio. GMBA network members cover a large range of expertise across taxonomic groups and mountain ranges worldwide. The database of GMBA experts is an open access resource but includes only members who gave their consent to disclose some of their information.
Query the online database of GMBA members!