Sponsored workshop on Long-Term Ecological Research and public policies for environmental management in Swiss mountains

This workshop aimed at identifying the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating research and long-term monitoring data into public policies for environmental management in Swiss mountains.
The day started with a series of presentations on the functioning of public policies in Switzerland, on how politicians learn about the evolution of mountain environments, and on different types of environmental monitoring programs in Switzerland. The afternoon was dedicated to group work and discussions between researchers and actors in charge of the development and implementation of public policies. The result of these discussions are four draft proposals for how to facilitate and improve the integration of mountain research into Swiss environmental policies. Finally, the director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mountain Research (ICMR), Prof. Emmanuel Reynard, illustrated with numerous examples of projects and initiatives how ICMR fits into this effort, particularly in its role as a catalyst for interactions between researchers and society and as a place for experimenting with monitoring methods.
This event, which was an activity of the GMBA working group on long-term social-ecological research in mountains, was hosted by the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) and sponsored by the Center for Mountain Research.
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