GMBA spotlight and research webinars

GMBA organises two types of webinars:

  • Spotlight on mountain biodiversity webinars: within 30 minutes, speakers will take their audience onto a journey to discover the fantastic diversity of species that inhabit mountain ecosystems around the world. With many pictures and stories about these species'; distribution and adaptations, the threats they face, the options we have to conserve them, and how our speakers became their ambassadors, these webinars are not about hardcore science but about discoveries, fascination, and reasons for why to care for our mountains and their biodiversity.
  • Research webinars: between 2 and 4 GMBA network members, including at least one Early Career Researcher, present complementary research on a specific topic of interest in mountain biodiversity science. Presentations are scientific and technical and followed by a Q&A.

Upcoming webinars

There is currently no new webinar planned.

Past webinars
Type Date Time Title Speaker Link
Spotlight 25 Jan 2024 3pm CET The Flora of the Alborz Mountain Range Jalil Noroozi & Amir Talebi YouTube recording
Research 22 Feb 2024 9am CET Alpine ecosystems and climate change Susanna Venn, Jeronimo Vazquez Ramirez, Manuela Winkler, Sabine Felkel YouTube recording
Spotlight 11 April 2024 3pm CEST Towards an holistic view of warming mountains Olivier Dangles YouTube recording
Spotlight 15 May 2024 3pm CEST  Amphibians of the Highlands and Escarpments of Angola and Namibia Francois Becker YouTube recording
Spotlight 23 January 2025 3pm CET 10 things you didn't know about orchids in the tropical Andes Oscar Perez Escobar YouTube recording