
Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment Mountain Portal V2.0

The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) and Map of Life (MOL) launch the Mountain Portal V2.0, now with more data and an improved user experience to the mountain biodiversity science community.

The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment Mountain Portal V2.0 is the result of ongoing efforts to optimize navigability, enhance user experience, and provide increasingly more and detailed information about mountain ranges and the species that live there. The new and improved Mountain Portal now allows users to explore both mountain terrain and biodiversity information in the same place. Information for each of the >1000 mountain ranges of the GMBA inventory, now includes: general descriptions, the area of mountainous habitat above and below the treeline, and human population estimates. The portal is now also available in five languages (English, German, French, Spanish, and Chinese)!

With its new design and growing content, the mountain portal offers a unique resource for a very international and diverse community of mountain biodiversity researchers, stakeholders, policy-makers, and enthusiasts.

Our goal is to provide an open source, interactive web platform that unifies the global mountain community. These efforts to provide the most comprehensive, up-to-date information depends on contributions, participation, and feedback from the global community. Explore the Mountain Portal today to see how you can help in this effort to conserve mountain biodiversity for generations to come.