Biodiversity-related opportunities for sustainable development in mountains

Developing effective valuation, policy, governance, and management approaches to safeguard the biodiversity underpinning human well-being in mountains and achieve international sustainable development goals requires a common understanding of the interactions between nature and people that are particular to mountains.

This working group supports inter- and transdisciplinary science in two main areas. The first is the nexus between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services, and human well-being in the world’s mountains. The second is the importance of biodiversity in achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the Convention for Biological Diversity and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in mountains.

Page under construction.

 Deliverable  Status  Lead
Article: On nature and people in mountains: a comparative literature analysis reveals research opportunities Under review Davnah Payne
Article: Toward biodiversity-related opportunities for sustainable development: a global social-ecological mountain comparison*
* preliminary title
Ongoing Davnah Payne
Project movie: Mountain biodiversity and the SDGs - intro to an R4D Project Completed Linus Neulinger
Articles: N/A Ongoing Graham Prescott
 Name  Affiliation  
Graham Prescott University of Lausanne & Jardin Flore-Alp, Switzerland GMBA Network
Tuyeni Mwampamba University of Mexico, Morelia Campus, Mexico GMBA SSC
Davnah Payne
 GMBA office

Past project

Mountain biodiversity and sustainable development

This project will provide a global analysis and comparison of biodiversity-related opportunities for sustainable development in mountain ranges differing in their ecology and socio-economic situation.

Ongoing project

Mountain biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals: knowledge for synergistic action

This project provides policy-relevant knowledge towards opportunities for the sustainable management and conservation of mountain biodiversity (SDG15.4).