Global assessment of mountain biodiversity

Short description
Assessing the state, trends, and drivers of biodiversity in the worlds mountains is a prerequisite for supporting policy makers and regulators in processes of decision making. This working group aims at organizing the global mountain biodiversity community in view of performing a first-of-its-kind global assessment of mountain biodiversity. The resulting knowledge will serve as a contribution to ongoing assessment efforts performed by the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
The objectives of the working group are two-fold:
- perform an assessment of the current state of research in mountain biodiversity at global scale (systematic mapping)
- perform an assessment of current trends in mountain biodiversity at global scale
The global mountain biodiversity assessment working group is organized in 9 sub-working groups: (1) procaryotes and protists, (2) fungi, (3) invertebrates, (4) plants, (5) fish, (6) reptiles, (7) amphibians, (8) birds, and (9) mammals. These sub-working groups are further organized by geographic regions and work on individual chapters of the GMBA global assessment.
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Davnah Urbach | GMBA | Overall coordination |
Mark Snethlage | GMBA | Overall coordination |
Upcoming Event
Towards an African mountain biodiversity assessment
SAMC2025, Drakensberg (South Africa), 17-20.03.2025